Feline Oral Health: Tooth Resorption

A variety of ailments could impact both your cat and you, for example, dental issues. Although you might develop tooth decay due to decay, cats have a distinct type of degeneration within their dental. Feline tooth resorption causes painful, cavity-like sores to the teeth, causing them to weaken.

When a cat bites down on a damaged tooth or when the tooth is touched by a veterinarian’s probing instruments or fingers, the tooth could signal that it’s in extreme pain. However, chronic toothache isn’t among the most visible symptoms of the disease.

Feline Tooth Resorption

Feline tooth resorption is a common ailment affecting cats as they grow older, affecting up to 60 percent of adult cats and 75 percent of senior cats. As a responsible pet owner, you should be aware of this dental issue. Take a look at some vital information on the topic.

Types and Stages

A cat’s teeth consist of hard enamel with a cementum layer, and a bone substance called dentin, just like human teeth. The dentin gives a tooth its basic form and protects the sensitive pulp. The body progressively destroys the dentin and enamel of teeth affected by feline tooth Resorption.

There are two kinds of feline tooth resorption that vets recognize. The tooth’s crown is destroyed when affected by Type 1 dental resorption, but the root is not wasted. The crown and the teeth are affected by Type 2 resorption, which results in growing bone replacing the root tissues.


While the incidences of feline tooth resorption have risen dramatically in the past few decades, there is no reason why it occurs. The cats that suffer from this condition are likely to be determined by genetic elements. Periodontal disease, where the dental ligaments and gum tissue are damaged by persistent inflammation, could lead to Type 1 resorption.

Issues with diet, such as excess acidity or nutritional imbalances, can be another cause or contributor to feline tooth loss. The feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and stress on the mouth caused by poor dental alignment could cause tooth loss, especially in cats. You can consult a dog dentist for your cat’s oral health.


In the early phase of feline teeth loss, there may be no apparent indications other than gingivitis (gum inflammation). However, there may be evidence of blood in your cat’s water or food dish. As the condition worsens, you might notice cavities-like gaps in the affected teeth and fractures in the most seriously impacted teeth. Vets like Noah’s Ark Animal Hospital have more details posted on their website.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Your vet can identify tooth loss in felines by placing your cat under general sedation and dental X-rays. A visual examination of the tooth’s teeth and the crown can help determine how far the problem has advanced while excluding potential dental issues.

Your cat’s tooth resorption severity will determine how you treat it. If the damage is minor, your veterinarian may fix the gaps between your cat’s teeth. However, because resorptive lesions may continue to grow even after the filling treatment, this can only be considered a short-term fix.


Veterinarians find it challenging to propose prophylactic treatments against tooth loss in cats since the specific causes are unknown. But, due to the potential connection with periodontal diseases, it is recommended to frequently brush your cat’s teeth at home and through expert cleanings. Consult your veterinarian for more info.


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