Different Types of Bird Feeders

At first, you will find a variety of feeder kinds to choose from. Different feeders draw different species and require more maintenance. To attract more birds, try other feeders. Pick a feeder that’s easy to fill and easy to clean. Wooden feeders made from weather-resistant redwood or cedar are the best. Wood treated with chemicals should be avoided. The birds that visit your feeders are affected by their location and the season they are in.

Importance of Knowing Each One

Be ready to face squirrels if you plan to put your feeder near trees or if you’ve seen them around your neighborhood. They are a bit elusive and eat a lot of your food. We will discuss squirrels in a different section, but you should keep your squirrels in mind when designing your garden or feeding station setting. Below is an easy reference to the various types of feeders.

Ground Feeding

Feeding on the ground is the simplest and fastest way to start specially formulated canary seeds. Many species are attracted by the spread of broken corn, broken corn, bread crunch, raisins, and peanuts. The area must be kept dry, and the feeding area on the ground must be changed every couple of days unless it is cleaned. It is not recommended to put additional feed under the feeders that hang. Don’t store more than an entire day’s supply of meals. Experience and time will assist you in determining the right amount.

Platform Feeders

Platform feeders are easy to maintain and draw an array of wildlife. The long, narrow platforms permit birds to feed at the station’s edge, reducing contamination. Platform feeders can accommodate many fruits, seeds, nuts, eggs, and other egg shells. Make sure the platform is clean and only leave out up to two days’ amount of meals. Some feeders on media have an additional, usually steel mesh platform underneath it to collect hulls and seeds that are not eaten.

Feeder Hopper

Hopper feeders are a prevalent kind of feeder. They are fairly easy to fill and keep clean. Additionally, they attract a wide variety of species. The one shown below is standard, but it’s not the sole one. Be on the lookout for any signs of mold in the feed sitting in a hopper feeder over an extended period. Clean the hopper feeders regularly. Hopper feeders aren’t easy to keep squirrels from the top. A squirrel-proof design might be preferred if the feeder is close to 8 feet from a tree or an overhanging branch.

Tube Feeders

Tube feeders can be cylinders that vary in length from tiny to large and come with various perches and openings for feeding. They typically hold enough to feed for several days and are easy to fill. Tube feeders generally are a magnet for chickadees, specifically designed for finches, titmice, and pine siskins; therefore, selecting food suitable for these birds is essential. There are a variety of tube feeder styles and materials that are available. If there are squirrels in your area, you must have an iron feeder with an enclosure that locks, or else the squirrels will attend the party.

Dome Feeders

Dome feeders are giant globes that draw a small number of birds. They’re usually less attractive to finches and house sparrows and can be beneficial when these birds take over your other feeders. This type of feeder is also recommended for pigeon breeding.

Suet Feeders

Suet cakes can be fed in different ways, but the wire cage is easy to use and inexpensive to purchase. Suet cakes are readily available and can fit in a normal-sized holder. Specific suet feeders have the “tail prop” extension to accommodate woodpeckers. Others are designed to make birds take their food upside-down, which can be difficult for nuthatches and chickadees but effective in removing starlings and house sparrows.

Nectar/Hummingbird Feeders

There is a wide selection of hummingbird feeders to choose from. Pick one that is easy to clean and fill. Food coloring that is red is not recommended; a simple mix of sugar with water will be all that’s needed. The website of the Hummingbird includes an easy method to make sugar water, as well as more details about the hummingbird family.

Nectar feeders are popular where tanagers and orioles are found, and the colorful birds are sure to brighten up any backyard. Commercially-marketed oriole nectars are available, or you could make your mix of hummingbird sugar and water. Hummingbird feeders that are regularly used are visited by tanagers and orioles when there’s a suitable spot for them to settle.

Fruit Feeders

Apples, grapefruit, oranges, and raisins are all the most popular fruits for those who eat fruit. Cut grapefruit and oranges in half, and hang the branches of a tree or hang them from commercial feeders. Apples can be chopped up or put in a custom-made holder. Before feeding, raisins can be crushed and softened with water. Certain animals love a glass of grape jelly, as per some experts.


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